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I've been married for over 20 years and have three beautiful children.

17 May 2014

Drawing Class

I just discovered one of the most comprehensive drawing programs I've ever seen.  I'm hoping this doesn't sound like a paid advertisement; I have nothing to do with the creation, sales, etc. of it.

I never learned to draw, but it's something I've always wanted to do.  I'm not bad at creating technical drawings and PowerPoint, but to draw the human body is an achievement that I want to accomplish before I die (hopefully I have another 40 years or so).

The course is located at http://www.alienthink.com/ and the best thing is that the first several lessons are completely FREE.  The cost of the course is a mere $45.00, which I really think is far less than it should be based on what I've seen so far.

For convenience, here is a link to the first course on YouTube:

I'm looking forward to beginning this program in the near future.

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